Notice on Practice by Out of State/NC Retired Psychologists During State of Emergency - CLICK HERE
Notice of Waiver of Renewal and Application Requirements During State of Emergency - CLICK HERE
To take the Ethics Refresher, click Licensee Login and after you are logged in the Ethics Refresher will be an option.
For a quicker response, you are encouraged to contact the Board office via email at
rather than leaving a voicemail message. This will allow Board staff to help you more efficiently by routing questions to the appropriate person within the Board office. If you call the Board office and leave a voicemail, Board staff will use its best efforts to return your call before the end of the next business day. Also, please refrain from leaving the same voicemail message on multiple Board office telephone extensions as this could cause a delay in you receiving a response.
NC Attorney General - Consumer Alert: Be skeptical of professional licensing scams
The Board’s mailing address is:
NC Psychology Board
895 State Farm Road, Suite 101
Boone, NC 28607

The North Carolina Psychology Board was created in 1967 to carry out provisions of the North Carolina Psychology Practice Act. The Board’s mission is to protect the public from the practice of psychology by unqualified persons and from unprofessional conduct by persons licensed to practice psychology. The Board is comprised of seven members appointed by the Governor to staggered terms of three years. At all times, three members are licensed psychologists, two members are licensed psychological associates, and two members are members of the public who are not licensed under the Act.